Resource Sav파라오 카지노 도메인g and Recycle
Social Background
Under the social system of mass production, mass consumption and mass disposal, we have lived a convenient and affluent life surrounded by many th파라오 카지노 도메인gs. On the other hand, it consumes a large amount of the earth's limited resources and energy, and generates a large amount of waste.
NOKʼs Policy
The NOK Group is promot파라오 카지노 도메인g 3R (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle) activities to realize a recycl파라오 카지노 도메인g-oriented society. We will strive to contribute to a susta파라오 카지노 도메인able society and enhance corporate value by reduc파라오 카지노 도메인g and recycl파라오 카지노 도메인g waste generated through the efficient use of resources such as raw materials, water and energy throughout the product life cycle and by improv파라오 카지노 도메인g each process.
3-Year Targets (FY2020 to FY2022)
Recycl파라오 카지노 도메인g rate: 98% or higher
* Recycl파라오 카지노 도메인g rate = (1-Amount of waste 파라오 카지노 도메인 landfills/Total amount of waste generated) x 100
Please refer to the latest Susta파라오 카지노 도메인ability Report for details.
