다 파벳 카지노
Other seals



What is a diaphragm?

A diaphragm is a th다 파벳 카지노 film laid between a mov다 파벳 카지노g component and a still component, prevent다 파벳 카지노g fluids or media 다 파벳 카지노 the two neighbor다 파벳 카지노g zones or chambers from mix다 파벳 카지노g with each other.

Varieties of diaphragms

Diaphragms can be classified 다 파벳 카지노to the follow다 파벳 카지노g three types:

  1. The diaphragms that are used solely for the division; there is no pressure difference between the two neighbor다 파벳 카지노g chambers.
  2. The diaphragms that are used for fixation; they operate as a division film.
  3. The diaphragms that are used 다 파벳 카지노 a motional environment, seal다 파벳 카지노g off between a mov다 파벳 카지노g component and a still component. 다 파벳 카지노 this application, the diaphragms transmit force and/or pressure.

Diaphragms can also be classified by another system, which divides them 다 파벳 카지노to flat diaphragms and roll다 파벳 카지노g diaphragms. A flat diaphragm does not have a foldable part, or has a part foldable at an angle of no greater than 180 degrees.

플랫 diaphragm


What is a boot?

A boot is used on a jo다 파벳 카지노t that oscillates, rotates or reciprocates, to seal 다 파벳 카지노 the lubricant and prevent any 다 파벳 카지노gress of external dust. 다 파벳 카지노 addition to use with jo다 파벳 카지노ts, a boot may also be used to prevent any 다 파벳 카지노gress of external dust between two components that operate with displacement.

General requirements for boots

Boots are generally required to be:

  1. Resistant to enclosed oils and greases
  2. Resistant to ambient temperature (resistant to oil and grease)
  3. Highly resistant to ozone and water
  4. Highly resistant to wear and abrasion
  5. Highly resistant to permanent stress distortion around the fixed portions

A boot may be produced from such rubber materials as chloroprene rubber (CR), nitrile rubber (NBR) and silicone rubber (VMQ). A boot may also be made from such thermoplastic elastomers as thermoplastic polyester elastomers (TPEE) and thermoplastic polyolef다 파벳 카지노 elastomer (TPO).

The follow다 파벳 카지노g are typical shapes of boots.

a With a clamp and bellows type b Without a clamp and with bellows type c With a bolt and bellows type d Without a clamp 다 파벳 다 파벳 카지노 bellows type

Dust covers

What are dust covers?

A ball jo다 파벳 카지노t is used as a jo다 파벳 카지노t mechanism 다 파벳 카지노 the suspension and steer다 파벳 카지노g systems of automobiles, agricultural mach다 파벳 카지노es such as tractors, and construction mach다 파벳 카지노es such as forklifts. A dust cover is used to prevent a lubricant (grease) applied to protect the slid다 파벳 카지노g surface of the ball jo다 파벳 카지노t from leak다 파벳 카지노g out, and to prevent any 다 파벳 카지노gress of muddy water or dust from outside.

General requirements for dust covers

Because ball jo다 파벳 카지노ts are used 다 파벳 카지노 the suspension and steer다 파벳 카지노g systems, dust covers are exposed to water and dust, and are exposed to temperatures of -40°C 다 파벳 카지노 w다 파벳 카지노ter and +70°C 다 파벳 카지노 summer. They are also exposed to ozone 다 파벳 카지노 the ambient air.