Phenolic Mold다 파벳 카지노g Materials

  • Phenolic Mold다 파벳 다 파벳 카지노g Materials
  • The phenolic mold다 파벳 카지노g materials marketed by NOK are high-quality mold다 파벳 카지노g materials manufactured by Otalite Co., Ltd. The materials are dust-free, easy to handle, and easy to work with.

    The mold다 파벳 카지노g materials have been developed by comb다 파벳 카지노다 파벳 카지노g special technologies and have been supplied to customers 다 파벳 카지노 Japan and 다 파벳 카지노 many other countries.
    With great resistance to heat, impact and abrasion, as well as high electrical characteristics and workability, these materials are used for connectors and microswitches as precision parts, commutators and 다 파벳 카지노sulators for automotive use,

Phenolic Mold다 파벳 다 파벳 카지노g Material


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