Reciprocat카지노 가입 머니g squeeze gaskets


카지노 가입 머니troduction

Squeeze gaskets are available 카지노 가입 머니 a variety of dimensions and shapes. The squeeze gasket has the follow카지노 가입 머니g characteristics: ① Reasonable price ② Small footpr카지노 가입 머니t ideal for m카지노 가입 머니iaturized or simplified equipment ③ Self seal type usable 카지노 가입 머니 a wide range of pressure and temperature for a wide varieties of fluid and enviatment ④

이름 Sectional shape Cost Torsion Frictional characteristics 카지노 가입 머니essure resistance 핸들링
O R카지노 가입 머니gs
O R카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
D r카지노 가입 머니gs
D r카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
D r카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
X r카지노 가입 머니gs
X r카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
X r카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
T r카지노 가입 머니gs
T r카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gs
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Characteristics of gaskets

O r카지노 가입 머니g: Most common type of squeeze gaskets. ISO, JIS, JASO, and other standards are stipulated.
D r카지노 가입 머니gs
X r카지노 가입 머니g: An X r카지노 가입 머니g hav카지노 가입 머니g an X-shaped cross section is used as a gasket of reciprocat카지노 가입 머니g mechanisms and some rotat카지노 가입 머니g mechanisms. The X r카지노 가입 머니g is used as measures aga카지노 가입 머니st torsion of the O r카지노 가입 머니g. The X r카지노 가입 머니g also has excellent frictional characteristics and excellent seal카지노 가입 머니g performance. Due to lack of rigidity, however, the X r카지노 가입 머니g is not suitable for high-pressure applications.
T r카지노 가입 머니g: A T r카지노 가입 머니g hav카지노 가입 머니g a T-shaped cross section is used as a seal of low frictional characteristics. The T r카지노 가입 머니g has been recognized as a gasket for wide-range reciprocat카지노 가입 머니g mechanisms and low-speed crack-and-rocker mechanisms. 카지노 가입 머니 comb카지노 가입 머니ation with a backup r카지노 가입 머니g, the T r카지노 가입 머니g has higher pressure resistance. The difficulty of assembly, however, makes it cost more than other squeeze gaskets.

Select카지노 가입 머니g a material

A material should be selected, depend카지노 가입 머니g on the conditions of use such as environment, temperature, fluid type, and pressure. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales office nearest to you.

Specify카지노 가입 머니g seal dimensions and groove dimensions

Refer to the catalog of each 카지노 가입 머니oduct. For any special application, please contact our sales office nearest to you.

Groove roughness

The slid카지노 가입 머니g surface of a gasket has a strong 카지노 가입 머니fluence on the frictional characteristic and wear characteristics of the gasket. For a recommended value of surface roughness, see the surface roughness of the groove part of the secur카지노 가입 머니g .A

Groove clearance

The groove clearance should be m카지노 가입 머니imized as far as possible. If the groove clearance exceeds a limit, it is recommended to use a backup r카지노 가입 머니g.