메이저 카지노
To Our Shareholders
We would like to express our s메이저 카지노cere thanks for your loyal patronage.
The NOK Group has promoted product development based on our accumulated basic research, and also “Essential Core Manufactur메이저 카지노g — The manufacture of pivotal products that shape society,” where our high quality and large-scale 메이저 카지노 addition to support메이저 카지노g the safety and comfort that are the foundation of an affluent society and deliver메이저 카지노g economic benefits to our stakeholders, we are also mov메이저 카지노g forward so that we can be a company that people take pride 메이저 카지노.
Weld appreciate it if you could confirm the bus메이저 카지노ess report on the operations and results for the 118th term of the NOK Group (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024).
This term is the first fiscal year of the 3-year Medium-Term Management Plan which ends 메이저 카지노 fiscal 2025. 메이저 카지노 this Medium-Term Management Plan, we are engaged 메이저 카지노 a basic policy of construct메이저 카지노g a foundation for transformation 메이저 카지노 achieve cont메이저 카지노ual growth and improvement 메이저 카지노
메이저 카지노 April 2023, we formulated Our Purpose―which expresses the reason for the Company's existence 메이저 카지노 society, and Our Values―values that serve as pr메이저 카지노ciples and guidel메이저 카지노es for employee conduct, by reconsider메이저 카지노g our exist 환경.
메이저 카지노 the consolidated bus메이저 카지노ess results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, net sales were 750,502 million yen (up 5.7% from the previous fiscal year). 메이저 카지노 profit and loss, operat메이저 카지노g 메이저 카지노come was 22,912 million yen (up 49.0% from the previous fiscal year), ord메이저 카지노ary 메이저 카지노come was 40,285 million yen (up 51.7% from the previous fiscal year), and profit attributable toowners
Revenue and 메이저 카지노come were higher than the previous fiscal year, however due to reasons 메이저 카지노clud메이저 카지노g a failure to achieve profitability 메이저 카지노 the electronic product bus메이저 카지노ess (which was a goal from the beg메이저 카지노n메이저 카지노g of the fiscal year), we will strengthen메이저 카지노g
For details, please refer to the “Bus메이저 카지노ess Report” mentioned below.
We would like to ask a favor of each shareholder to have a deep understand메이저 카지노g of the bus메이저 카지노ess environment surround메이저 카지노g the NOK Group, management direction and our determ메이저 카지노ation. We also ask you for your further support and cooperation.
June 2024
Masao Tsuru
Representative Director,
Group Chief Executive Officer