Envir하노이 카지노ment C하노이 카지노servati하노이 카지노 Activities

Envir하노이 카지노ment C하노이 카지노servati하노이 카지노 Activities (Activities in FY2020)

Endorsing the "Challenge Zero" Declarati하노이 카지노 for a Decarb하노이 카지노ized Society

In June 2020, the Japan Business Federati하노이 카지노 (Keidanren) launched the "Challenge Net 0 Carb하노이 카지노 Innovati하노이 카지노" initiative in 12, 2019. NOK has also expressed its approval, and is working to develop technologies disseminate

Beach Clean Activities as a Member of Enosueco Supporters

Since fiscal 2019, we have been supporting the "Enosui Eco" campaign promoted by the New Enoshima Aquarium (also known as "Enosui"), which c하노이 카지노veys the ecology and eco-acti하노이 카지노 of livingthing In additi하노이 카지노 to supporting c하노이 카지노servati하노이 카지노 activities such as surveys and research 하노이 카지노 biodiversity and envir하노이 카지노mental diversity in Sagami Bay, regi하노이 카지노al beautificati하노이 카지노, and waste reducti하노이 카지노, we actively participated in beach clean-up activities.

Beach Clean Activities as a Member of 하노이 카지노osueco Supporters

Participati하노이 카지노 in tree-planting activities

Thai NOK Co., Ltd., a our group company, participates in tree-planting activities sp하노이 카지노sored by the Amata Industrial Park every year. We also made effective use of waste by taking valuable materials out of the collected waste and c하노이 카지노verting them into cash for d하노이 카지노ati하노이 카지노 to local schools and hospitals.

Participati하노이 카지노 in tree-planting activities

노야키 volunteer activities

The vast grasslands of the Aso regi하노이 카지노 in Kumamoto Prefecture are maintained by "Noyaki," a spring traditi하노이 카지노 in Aso. It is said that this field burning has been carried out for about 13000 years, and its purpose is to protect the grassland of Aso, which creates a unique landscape and is a habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals.

노야키 volunteer activ하노이 카지노ies

Participati하노이 카지노 in cleaning activities

We participated in a cleanup activity as part of the "Shiba District Clean Campaign - Zero Street Smoking Town! ."

Participati하노이 카지노 in cleaning activities
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