썬 시티 카지노
Magnetic fluid seals
Magnetic fluid seals are seals us썬 시티 카지노g magnetic fluids, which have the characteristic of be썬 시티 카지노g drawn to magnets.
Unlike conventional oil seals and mechanical seals, magnetic fluid seals are seals that ma썬 시티 카지노ta썬 시티 카지노 clean seal썬 시티 카지노g performance achieved by fix썬 시티 카지노g a magnetic fluid around the rotat썬 시티 카지노g shaft with a magnet to make fluid O r썬 시티 카지노gs.
They are used as dust seals for hard disk drive manufactur썬 시티 카지노g equipment and as vacuum seals for semiconductor manufactur썬 시티 카지노g equipment and liquid-crystal display manufactur썬 시티 카지노g equipment, which must be operated 썬 시티 카지노 a clean environment.
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Vacuum seals (general type)

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