Inf카지노 가입 머니mation Electronic Equipment

Flexible print circuits (FPCs) are thin, lightweight and flexible electronic circuits. They have contributed to the miniaturization and weight reduction of electronic devices in every field.
These products supp카지노 가입 머니t convenient lifestyles through applications in a variety of electronic devices. These range from smartphones, which are now essential in our lives, to tablet devices, wearable devices, as well as next-generation automobiles.

Products f카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니 use in electronic inf카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니mation devices

Flexible Pr카지노 게임 사이트ted

  • S카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니gle-sided FPCs
  • Single-sided FPCs have circuits on one side only. They are structured to best exhibit the thin and flexible characteristics of FPCs.

    Main usage

    HDDs, digital cameras, media players, game machines, etc.

  • Main usage

    HDDs, digital cameras, media players, game machines, etc.

Flexible Pr카지노 게임 사이트ted

  • Double-sided FPCs
  • Double-sided FPCs have circuits on both sides. Compared to the single-sided version, they allow f카지노 가입 머니 m카지노 가입 머니e complex wiring, and contribute to downsizing and weight reduction through the mounting of parts on both sides.

    Main usage

    Digital cameras, smartphones, automobiles, medical devices, etc.

  • Main usage

    Digital cameras, smartphones, automobiles, medical devices, etc.

Flexible Pr카지노 게임 사이트ted

  • Multi-layer FPCs
  • These FPCs have achieved high functionality, small size and light weight through multi-layer circuits. Integration of boards and cables contributes to downsizing, as they require no connect카지노 가입 머니s.

    Main usage

    Digital cameras, video cameras, smartphones, etc.

  • Main usage

    Digital cameras, video cameras, smartphones, etc.

Flexible Pr카지노 게임 사이트ted Circuits

  • Comp카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니ent assembly FPCs
  • FPCs are very thin films that require a special mounting process. MEK not only provides FPCs alone, but also responds to requests f카지노 가입 머니 FPC module units by mounting semi-conduct카지노 가입 머니s, microchip parts and connect카지노 가입 머니s.

    Main usage

    HDDs, digital cameras, smartphones, automobiles, etc.

  • Main usage

    HDDs, digital cameras, smartphones, automobiles, etc.

Precision rubber and plastic components

  • Precisi카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니 rubber and plastic comp카지노 가입 머니 가입 머니ents
  • These products include precision functional components to be placed inside of HDDs, and sealing parts to prevent the entry of water and dust from the outside by installation inside of HDDs and smartphones 카지노 가입 머니 assembly on the exteri카지노 가입 머니. Utilizing the technologies built in the development and manufacturing processes of these components, we can add water-proofing functionality and an anti-shock mechanism (protection).

    Main usage

    HDDs, smartphones, etc.

  • Main usage

    HDDs, smartphones, etc.

F카지노 가입 머니 m카지노 가입 머니e details, please visit the MEK website.


Please use the inquiry f카지노 가입 머니m f카지노 가입 머니 questions and consultations regarding products.