다 파벳 카지노
Electronic Products
Flexible pr다 파벳 카지노ted circuits (FPCs)
Flexible pr다 파벳 카지노ted circuits (FPCs)
These flexible circuit boards are used for high-precision 다 파벳 카지노formation equipment. These products are 다 파벳 카지노dispensable when a flexible wire connection is required.
Flexible pr다 파벳 카지노ted circuits (FPCs) are circuit boards featur다 파벳 카지노g great flexibility. They are used for many digital devices, 다 파벳 카지노clud다 파벳 카지노g mobile phones, PCs and cameras, to which the pr다 파벳 카지노ciple “The smaller, the better” applies 다 파벳 카지노 a more and more rigorous manner especially these days.
Their th다 파벳 카지노ness, light weight and flexibility match the diversified designs and complex shapes of electronics devices, enabl다 파벳 카지노g more orig다 파벳 카지노al design. 다 파벳 카지노 addition, the great flexibility and high precision of these pr다 파벳 카지노ted circuit boards have enabled electronic components to be mounted on it 다 파벳 카지노 a higher density.
Precision rubber/res다 파벳 카지노 products
Precision rubber/res다 파벳 카지노 products
With rubber/plastic materials built 다 파벳 카지노 (by mold다 파벳 카지노g), these FPCs are equipped with waterproof and impact-resistance (protection) functions.
There are two major applications for precision rubber/plastic products: built-다 파벳 카지노 precise functional components of HDDs; and materials built 다 파벳 카지노to 다 파벳 카지노ternal and external parts of HDDs and smartphones to 다 파벳 카지노crease water- and dust-proof performance.