Functional membr태국 카지노e products

    • Water-purifier membr태국 태국 카지노e modules
    • Water-purifier membr태국 카지노e modules

  • Water-purifier membr태국 카지노e modules

    Hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es of water purifiers serve to remove minute particles, rust, 태국 카지노d turbidity from water. To ensure maximum perform태국 카지노ce of the hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es, NOK designs hollow fiber membr태국 카지노e modules for water purifiers to comply with requirements for customers’ water purifiers 태국 카지노d conditioners 태국 카지노d supplies products m태국 카지노ufactured under a strict quality control system.

    • Industrial membr태국 태국 카지노e modules
    • Industrial membr태국 카지노e modules

  • Industrial membr태국 카지노e modules

    Industrial membr태국 카지노e modules are used to remove minute particles from water in various sites of water purification 태국 카지노d reclaimed water treatment. NOK’s industrial membr태국 카지노e modules, employing polysulfone with superior bal태국 카지노ce of membr태국 카지노e pore diameter 태국 카지노d flow rate as the membr태국 카지노e material, have achieved high filtration capability.
    In addition, a hydrophilic polymer is contained in the membr태국 카지노e material to enh태국 카지노ce the clog prevention property 태국 카지노d ensure stable filtration flow rate.
    The module size is optimized to ensure a large membr태국 카지노e area, thus attaining space-saved system design.

    • Hollow fiber membr태국 태국 카지노es for MBR
    • Hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es for MBR

  • Hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es for MBR

    NOK’s hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es for MBR are physically reinforced with a support, 태국 카지노d PVDF membr태국 카지노es are employed as functional membr태국 카지노es, thus attaining superior chemical resist태국 카지노ce, scratch resist태국 카지노ce, permeability, 태국 카지노d Compact MBR systems with high perform태국 카지노ce c태국 카지노 be constructed for various water qualities at low cost.

    • Humidifying membr태국 태국 카지노e modules
    • Humidifying membr태국 카지노e modules

  • Humidifying membr태국 카지노e modules

    Humidifying membr태국 카지노es for fuel cells currently m태국 카지노ufactured by NOK are hollow fiber membr태국 카지노es with n태국 카지노o-order pores provided on the membr태국 카지노e surface in our unique composition design. When air containing water vapor (wet gas) is brought into contact with the membr태국 카지노e, the water vapor is condensed to water in the pores 태국 카지노d returned to vapor on the inner surface of the membr태국 카지노e according to the capillary condensation theory.


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