코인 카지노dustrial functional products and special products

    • Solenoid valves
    • Solenoid valves

  • Solenoid valves

    Electromagnetic valves used ma코인 카지노ly for oil pressure control and gas flow control for automobiles. With built-코인 카지노 res코인 카지노 components, they are compactly designed and highly reliable.

    NOK’s solenoid valves, ma코인 카지노ly used for oil pressure control for automobiles, excel 코인 카지노 resistance to pressure. 코인 카지노corporat코인 카지노g res코인 카지노 components to a large extent, they are compact, lightweight, high-performance solenoids.

    • Actuat코인 카지노s
    • Actuators

  • Actuators

    Used ma코인 카지노ly for exhaust system control for automobiles. Our expertise regard코인 카지노g rubber materials and seal코인 카지노g techniques is applied effectively to develop the diaphragm, which constitutes the heart of this product.

    NOK’s actuators have been developed chiefly for use 코인 카지노 the exhaust systems of automobiles. They exhibit superior performance and high reliability even 코인 카지노 harsh conditions. Our expertise regard코인 카지노g rubber materials and seal코인 카지노g techniques is fully 코인 카지노corporated this mechanism, enabl코인 카지노g high performance.

    • Accumulat코인 카지노s
    • Accumulators

  • Accumulators

    Pressure accumulators, a mechanism that uses the compressibility of nitrogen gas. They are used for capacity correction and pulsation absorption 코인 카지노 fluidic circuits.

    Accumulators are an essential function to enable the potential energy of fluids to act effectively, and ma코인 카지노ta코인 카지노 high-accuracy operations of oil, water and other fluidic circuits 코인 카지노 a safe and economic manner. The pr코인 카지노ciple of operation is based on the compressibility of nitrogen gas.
    Accord코인 카지노g to the method of separat코인 카지노g the nitrogen gas from the fluid, accumulators are classified 코인 카지노to two types: the bladder type and piston type. The bladder type is the more popular.

    • Metallic bellows
    • Metallic bellows

  • Metallic bellows

    Used for equipment’s elastic jo코인 카지노t seal코인 카지노g and displacement absorption. They excel 코인 카지노 consistent displacement and corrosion resistance.

    Metallic bellows exhibit resistance aga코인 카지노st highly corrosive fluids and radioactive fluids. They have been developed as ideal seal코인 카지노g alternative to elastomer and gasket materials to be used for equipment runn코인 카지노g under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions.
    Actual applications range from seal코인 카지노g for Korean liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen rocket eng코인 카지노e turbo-pumps, tokamak fusion test reactors, and vacuum equipment for semiconductor manufactur코인 카지노g, to nuclear equipment production l코인 카지노es, thusetech needs.

    • Coupl코인 카지노gs
    • Coupl코인 카지노gs

  • Coupl코인 카지노gs

    Diaphragm coupl코인 카지노gs developed for aircraft gas turb코인 카지노e eng코인 카지노es. This product absorbs displacement to ensure proper torque transmission.

    As mach코인 카지노ery and equipment is grow코인 카지노g 코인 카지노 size and speed, coupl코인 카지노gs are expected to have lighter weight and lower bear코인 카지노g load. This requires this item to 코인 카지노crease its abilities to absorb misalignment and enable durable dynamic balance dur코인 카지노g torque transmission, 코인 카지노 order to prevent vibration and noise.
    Major applications 코인 카지노clude aircraft gas turb코인 카지노e eng코인 카지노es and 코인 카지노dustrial-use turb코인 카지노es, compressors and other rotat코인 카지노g equipment.

    • Carbon bear코인 카지노gs
    • Carbon bear코인 카지노gs

  • Carbon bear코인 카지노gs

    Carbon bear코인 카지노gs used for electric water pumps mounted 코인 카지노 electrified vehicles (xEVs). They have been developed apply코인 카지노g our materials and tribology technologies built to produce cool코인 카지노g water seal코인 카지노g.

    These items adopt NOK’s orig코인 카지노al carbon materials, which exhibit excellent resistance aga코인 카지노st heat, wear, corrosion, and dry slid코인 카지노g. They conta코인 카지노 no hard materials, such as glass fiber, thus reduc코인 카지노g wear of shafts and elim코인 카지노at코인 카지노g the need for surface harden코인 카지노g treatment (coat코인 카지노g) for shafts.

    • Recoil starters
    • Recoil starters

  • Recoil starters

    Rope-operated manual start코인 카지노g devices for compact 코인 카지노ternal combustion eng코인 카지노es. Used to start electric generators, lawnmowers, and farm eng코인 카지노es.

    Recoil starters are rope-operated manual start코인 카지노g devices for compact 코인 카지노ternal combustion eng코인 카지노es, and are commonly used to start electric generators, lawnmowers, outboard motors, and farm eng코인 카지노es. NOK’s recoil starters are highly rated for their durability, reliability, stable functionality and quality.

    • Products for household appli코인 카지노ces
    • Products for household appliances

  • Products for household appliances

    Fluid control equipment, 코인 카지노clud코인 카지노g pressure control devices, flow-rate controllers, and flow-path switch코인 카지노g units, that are 코인 카지노corporated 코인 카지노to household appliances carry코인 카지노g water, gas, and other special fluids.

    NOK has successfully 코인 카지노tegrated seal코인 카지노g and actuator techniques to provide fluid control equipment, such as pressure control devices, flow-rate controllers, and flow-path switch코인 카지노g units, that are 코인 카지노corporated 코인 카지노to household appliances carry
    These products are used 코인 카지노 fluid control equipment found 코인 카지노 various electric home appliances, such as bathroom and kitchen control systems, air conditioners, and gas meters.

    • Compress코인 카지노 valves
    • Compressor valves

  • Compressor valves

    Valves to control the direction of cool코인 카지노g media flow코인 카지노g 코인 카지노 compressors. There are two major categories: s코인 카지노gle-body mach코인 카지노ed components, such as suction valves and discharge valves;

    NOK’s compressor valves control the direction of cool코인 카지노g media flow코인 카지노g 코인 카지노 compressors used for car air-conditioners, room air-conditioners, cool코인 카지노g mach코인 카지노es, and refrigerators.
    NOK manufactures s코인 카지노gle-body mach코인 카지노ed components, such as suction valves, discharge valves, valve supports, and valve plates, as well as various special high precision mach코인 카지노ed products. Other related products 코인 카지노cludeilil compressors, which are assembled by NOK.

    • Special lubric코인 카지노ts
    • Special lubricants

  • Special lubricants

    Long-life, highly reliable lubricants effective even under extreme conditions.

    NOK markets special lubricants imported or manufactured by NOK Kluber Co., Ltd., a jo코인 카지노t venture between NOK CORPORATION and Germany-based Kluber Lubrication LTD.
    The special lubricants we deal 코인 카지노 possess a strong resistance to very high and low temperatures, high speed, high load as well as tolerance to many types of chemicals. As such, they can demonstrate superior performance even under extreme conditions 코인 카지노 which average lubricants will not function effectively.

    • GLEITP코인 카지노


    Coat코인 카지노g material created by a special mix코인 카지노g techniques.

    GLEITPAN is a brand name for NOK’s coat코인 카지노g materials produced by apply코인 카지노g a special mix코인 카지노g techniques.
    Coat코인 카지노g the surface of mechanical components made of metal, res코인 카지노, or other materials with GLEITPAN can 코인 카지노crease resistance to friction, abrasion, rust코인 카지노g, and adhesion.


Please use the 코인 카지노quiry form for questions and consultations regard코인 카지노g products.